The Queen’s Speech

The Club Assembly.

Last week, with Assistant Governor Tony Bethell in attendance, the club held its annual assembly meeting which sets out the programme for policy and events in the coming Rotary year commencing 1st July.

The club received reports from the various sub committees responsible for , Membership (John Gillies) Communities (David Coupe) and International (Dr Tom McConnell).

President Elect Rita Reed thanked all the committees chairs for their reports and both they and club officers for agreeing to serve during her Presidential year. Rita went on to outline initiatives the club could undertake in the coming year. She is keen to see a greater link between the club, business and community projects and to this end she has arranged for David Pedler (District Business Partnership Projects) to address the club on how to develop Business Partnerships to deliver community projects.Tony Bethell thanked the club for their hospitality and reports. He went on to say that with the vibrancy of the Rotary Club of Bolsover he could see a bright future for Rotarians’ in N.E. Derbyshire and wished all present the best possible Rotary Year.

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